Albino golden crowned sparrow

armindaandclover2Today I headed out to Sauvie Island with my friend Arminda and her daughter, Clover, for theĀ Audubon Society of Portland’s Raptor Road Trip.

I have been looking forward to this little trip for a while. The Audubon Society holds it annually, and a few years ago, before my dad lost his mobility, we went out for this same trip. We had a really good time and I’m not sure why I haven’t gone back.

The weather was windy and wet, but we made our way out to the island. After I pointed out the first few raptors and showed off a few of the spots I learned about when I went on the Oregon Wildlife Tour last March, they were quickly as good at spotting red tails as I was.

We decided to go out to the Wildlife Viewing Platform first, then Rentenaar Rd. A red tailed hawk was going to be released at Howell Territorial Park at 1pm, and from there we doubled back to Coon Point. I added 13 species to my year list and learned a variety of great birding tricks and tips. Arminda and Clover said they had a great time too. We were on the island until the Audubon Society closed up shop at 2, then we headed for home with a quick sandwich along the way.

Here are some highlights of the day.

Sandhill Cranes

Bird walk on Rentenaar Rd. – Sparrow ID

Fields in Flight

Arminda IDs these Common Mergansers

The Education Birds

The Changing Light and Weather

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Arminda and I discuss a hawk ID (she was right, it’s a red tail)

The Release