Healthy Steps – Week 6

In spite of a week that in some ways got the best of me, I am down another 1.6 pounds this week!

Frankly, it seems like a miracle because there was A LOT of emotional eating in there. But my goals, small though they were, were there and at the end of the week progress was made.

  • Tracking – 5 days, 3 in blue dog zone
  • Have 1 Frapachino in the morning – did well on weekdays
  • Eating my prepared food – GOOD JOB HERE!
  • Hit 10,000 all seven days, taking at least one break/lunch walk – Nailed it!

I’m sure you are tried of my little goal list, but I still feel like I have a long ways to go on this, so it’s gonna stay pretty much the same.

  • Tracking
  • No Frappachinos (didn’t buy them this week, so it’s ON!)
  • Eating my prepared food
  • Hit 10,000 all seven days, taking at least one break/lunch walk

I am going to add a little to this. I’d like to think about a plan for the weekends. I am starting to see myself sort of careening around for this 48 hours, so in the next week I’d like to work on a strategy.