As I have mentioned, recently I got a new computer. While I am still futzing around with all the various things, one thing that I have done is set up my desktop background so that a different photo folder is scrolled through each day. I’ve been trying to use the experience as a prompt to delete out-of-focus or otherwise poor photos. But I’ve also been finding inspiration from some fairly old photos.

For example, this photo was taken in 2013 at Emerald Downs.

When the photo initially came up, I didn’t really notice it. But as I was fooling around with folders, and various things got obscured, I started to notice more details.

I love the line of the neck and curve of the off fore.

I printed out a copy, and sat down Saturday afternoon to create a few “what ifs”.


It was a difficult week on the work front, so much so that I took Friday off as a sick day. I honestly didn’t feel well; I hadn’t slept well, I had a headache, and my tummy hurt. After calling in, I went back to bed and didn’t emerge until after ten in the morning. I moped around the rest of the day, eventually getting groceries, but basically just sitting on the couch and watching YouTube videos.

Saturday I was determined to be more energetic, and I had just the project to get me going–a new tree. My neighbor decided she didn’t want a young little fruit tree in her yard and I carried it home. I think it might be a crabapple. Fingers crossed. Unfortunately, installing it meant digging up (and seperating) a HUGE sword fern. The whole project took me around two hours, and not all the ferns are replanted.

All this is to say that by the time I sat down at my easel, I was physically tired on top of mental fatigue from the week. I decided to start out with something simple, a charcoal sketch.



As you can see, I have trouble getting everything in proportion and on the page. But I liked the above, so I wetted it down and rubbed it onto a page of watercolor paper. The transfer wasn’t very good, but that was fine. I was trying to work with the suggestion of a horse, not the details.

I did get the feet on this painting, but now my camera skills are at fault. Sigh.


I really like the leg and shape of the head in the painting above. But I feel like I wasn’t daring enough as far as adding only the essential parts and leaving the rest to the imagination.

I added color and some marks to the painting, more to see what might work in a future version than actual hope of rescuing the painting.

The piece I have in mind is called “Emerge.” This is not it; I’ll redo the painting at least one more time, trying to get more abstract (like I did with “Transition”, below.)

“Transition” (2020) – 11″ x 15″ watercolor on paper

Tomorrow will be my usual routine of nosework and food prep. I’m trying to keep it simple, because it promises to be another eventful week at work.
