Heading into 2020, I feel a little daunted. Last year I put my goals in a new format in an attempt to recognize that it would be a tough year for me. I think that gave me the space to grieve Mom’s death (not that that will stop), but it was demonstrably a less effective way of getting things done.
As always at this time of year, lots of memes and posts go up about what to do in the new year and how to do it (see art above). I was particularly drawn to a post that invited you to fill out the answers to these questions:
- I will learn:
- I will travel to:
- I will take a class on:
- I will meet:
- I will create:
- I will stop:
However, that doesn’t really hit the “sweet spot” for me. So, I’ll have to muddle through with my own ideas.
Area 1: Health and Fitness
- Embrace the WW journal. Make it a priority!
- Find a source for yoga and/or meditation and go to it
- Participate in walking challenges (particularly with the dog)
- Get 8 hours sleep (this means going to bed early)
- Remember that alone time is an important part of my mental health
- Do NOT overextend yourself (be on boards, volunteer too much)
Area 2: Friendships
- I need to develop some new friendship (or at least closer friendships). Following the advice in Friendships Don’t Just Happen, I will invite a new person out to coffee once a month. (This is daring for me!)
Area 3: Spiritual development
- Church: Find a church you like and go
- WSO: Continue volunteering for website
- Foster 4 dogs in 2020
- Explore purchasing environmentally better clothing
Area 4: Work/Career & Finances
- Remain employed
- Better understand finances
- Donate to charity
Area 5: Personal Growth (aka Painting)
- Keep my website current
- Write at least 52 posts
- Attend critique group
- Develop and attend the March SAA solo show
- Apply for the Alaska AIR
- Enter these shows:
- Enter both WSO shows
- Enter the Equine Art Show (Emerald Downs)
- Submit to the AAEA Shows
- Submit to both NWWS Shows
- Submit to Emerald Art Center show
Area 6: Fun
- Reading: Goodreads 2020 Book Challenge
- Nose work with Key: Earn NW3, work toward all L2 Element Specialites
- Knitting: Finish 6 projects
- Go on one adventure
- Explore the Hallie Ford art museum
- Visit the Salem carousel
- Continue bird watching
- Participate in the 2020 NaNoWriMo
I think six areas is ambitious enough. So, going back to the list that I said I was drawn to, I filled it out like this.
- I will learn: What I like in a church (#3)
- I will travel to: A new adventure (#6)
- I will take a class on: A workplace skill (#4)
- I will meet: A new friend (2)
- I will create: A more personal painting style (#5)
- I will stop: Taking my body for granted (#1)
Wow! That was good and so specific in many of them. Some similar to mine. Need to get more specific on mine too. Well done! Now the fun starts
I love how you are approaching your new year. I have never had that much discipline. Don’t beat yourself up for what you don’t accomplish, celebrate the things you can get done. You are amazing.
You have a lot of wonderful goals. I have decided at approach the New Decade with intentionality and purpose. If some of your goals seem to be slipping away ( as our resolutions often do) take the decade approach. Where do you want to be in 10 years? I found that perspective very energizing. Best wishes for the New Year!