- Keep painting
- Write more exclusively about art in my blog
- Enter both WSO shows
- April
- October
- Enter OSA Shows
- June – Rose Show
- Do an Artbiz course
- Enter the Equine Art Show (Emerald Downs)
- July
- Submit to the AAEA Show
- June Deadline
Continue to work on my lifestyle improvement project
- Go to Weight Watchers regularly
- Eat more vegetables
- Eat less sugar
- Eat more fiber
- Drink water
- Participate in walking challenges (particularly with the dog)
- Continue going to yoga twice a week
- Goodreads 2016 Reading Challenge: 100 books
- 2015 Goal = 100 of 100
- 2014 Goal = 80 of 90
- 2013 Goal = 118 of 125
- 2012 Goal = 111 of 200
- 2011 = 56 of 50
- Walk the dog as much as possible
- When I loose enough weight, start taking riding lessons
- Continue 2013 goal of not taking plastic bags at the store
- Continue 2014 goal of using coffee cups at coffee place
- Do not consume palm oil
- Remain employed
- See 150 species of birds