Elanus leucurus

I was just messaging an artist friend and I was assuring her that I was TOTALLY sane after a weekend of painting.

The dog project continues, and I feel like I’m getting my stride.

Sketch Image Painting Focus
Spring: Yellow
Flowered Collar portrait / face
Fast Friends relationship
Dribble (or Play Maker) object
Summer: Red
Portrait of a Young Lady portrait / face
Tough Guys relationship
Grab the Striped Ring object
Fall: Orange
* tbd* Gismo portrait / face
Rapt Attention relationship
The Stick object
Winter: Blue
Snow on the Roof portrait / face
Rainy Day Jogging Partner relationship
MY. Ball. object

So the astute among you may notice that several of the sketches from last week aren’t here this week. That’s where the funny farm comes in. I feel like I’m finally hitting my stride as far as the look, so I ordered some more panels. I intend to also do the following and then I’ll have an opportunity to pick and choose the best.

I’ll even have enough panels to do three more (a total of 18 paintings) and have quite a selection.

Yes, I’m totally sane.

As if all this effort was not enough, I fulfilled two painterly goals: I entered the Watercolor Society of Oregon (WSO) Spring show and the Northwest Watercolor Society (NWWS) Member show. As always, these are very competitive. Want to see what I’ve entered? Sure you do.

For WSO, I entered:


I feel good about the strength of these entries. Obviously, “I Feel Pretty” will depend on the juror, but all entries do. “Pelicans” is just a nice painting that I’m giving a shot in case the juror doesn’t like dinosaurs (past life trauma, maybe?)

For NWWS I did a bit of a “hail Mary”. I started a new painting on Thursday, “Elanus leucurus”. I’m pleased, but it’s not as moody as I originally hoped. I also decided to enter “Loss”. It’s only a year old.


In other news, I did my first radio interview this week for Salem Reads. The link to the interview is here. The whole interview (after the first few minutes of regular host stuff) is pretty good, but if you’re impatient, my parts are on at minutes 15, 42, and 44. As a reminder, my finished painting is below. The artists reception will be February 5 at the Elsinore Gallery.


I’m definitely in the homestretch of this art period. I’ve got five weeks until delivery, and two of those weekends are accounted for. I need to set aside some time for installing the hanging apparatus and delivery, so that last week is pretty much shot. And of course promo items are lagging behind (the Salem Art Association gallery director wants to pick out some pieces, and that will determine the final thrust of the artist statement). I’m hoping that will come together this week.  March 6 is LOOMING!

Other news (non-art news) is brewing, but for now, I’ll wait for those announcements. I have enough drama right now!