Well, we’re here. In the southwest part of Colorado. Our southern-most port. And I’m glad to land for a few days.

The big birding stop of the day was Highline Lake State Park.

It’s so hot that the pickings are slim. Just to check, I looked at eBird tonight and it confirms that June is one of the worst months to bird down here. Still, I did add a few things to my list, including a white-throated swift (not pictured) at the last stop of the day.

However, the scenery is gorgeous. There is so much of it, it’s hard to stop the car and enjoy.

When I checked out the workshop location, I found it was near this.

And just further down the road is Black Canyon Of The Gunnison, a park I had never heard of and explored on a whim. It is stunning! Unfortunately, I’m afraid of heights, so it’s all but impossible to show you how dramatic it is.

If you’re ever in the area, I’d recommend checking it out!

To be continued…

