I had a goal this weekend. I was going to catch up and then get some painting done, taking advantage of the energy I felt coming off Margaret Godfrey‘s workshop.

Here’s what I did today.

  1. Spent an extra hour in bed petting the dogs and cat (mistake?)
  2. Went for a walk in the park with my dogs, a friend, and her two dogs.
  3. Took Finn to the vet (Note: He’s now getting more painkillers and his arthritis is officially expanding/getting worse/going to new areas)
  4. Bathed both dogs at Soapy Paws. Both dogs are very fluffy now, but Key looks a little like an Ewok.
  5. Bought some yarn for a project at Tangled Purls.
  6. Ate lunch.
  7. Voted. (No, I’m not going to tell you how or for whom and I wish everyone else would shut up about it too!)
  8. Went to see a fellow equine artist friend, Elizabeth Zimmerman of Western Rose Studio (and ended up buying a beautiful sketch of a Gypsy,) at the Mt. Hood Gypsy and Drum Horse show at the Salem Fairgrounds.

    There was also a miniature horse show going on. This one had a lot of attitude.

    This one was just charming. She wants to learn to bead her horse’s halter.

  9. Dropped off a few odds and ends at the thrift store
  10. Managed to clean my studio and put things away so the dog can no longer get to (i.e. eat) my paintings. It looks almost ready to work in.
  11. Took Key for a long hike to get the wiggles out and extra fur off.
  12. Had dinner.
  13. Balanced my checkbook (yesterday was payday!)
  14. Attempted to catch up on my email in-box (I’m down to one email that I’m thinking about.)
  15. Wrote this blog.
  16. Next, I’ll start watching two art DVD’s that are now overdue.
  17. I should also read my magazines which are just sitting here.
  18. And start my knitting project.

Of course, in theory, with all this done, there is the possibility that tomorrow I’ll get to painting.

Fingers (and toes) crossed.