It’s been a few weeks since I posted, and the reason is a bad one: I forgot. I have mentally started on a couple of posts, but then it all just slipped away.
This weekend I went down to the beach and made a determined effort to just “have fun.” Friday I went whale watching (more in the next post), Saturday I hiked at Ona Beach and then spent time with a friend, and Sunday I was lazy.
This will be the last time I’m down at the beach for a while. I have two dogs shows and then the Watercolor Society of Oregon convention, so that’s the next three weekends accounted for.
Just when I might be interested in heading down, construction will be picking up. This is the schedule from the contractor.
The cabinets are getting delivered on September 26th and installation for them will begin on Oct 1st.
The countertop guys will be there to template on Oct 7th and installation for counters is set for Oct 22nd.
Plumber is scheduled for the 23rd and Keith is starting install on the backsplash on the 23rd as well.
Anyone care to take a bet if they will adhere to this schedule? Actually, they’ve been great to work with, it’s just that I’m being cynical.
Because it was my last trip down for a while, I made sure to take the remaining dishes out of what is left of the kitchen and then spent some time on the gloomy task of removing Mom’s glass aquarium from the header so it doesn’t get damaged.
Between you and me, I’m not sure they will all go up again. I like things a little “cleaner” than Mom. But we’ll see.
As I said earlier, I have another post planned for the whale watching trip, so I will just show off these photos of the Ona Beach morning. I got really into texture! I think these were made by some kind of mollusk.
Water and insects created other effects.
Still lives seem to just come up out of nowhere!
And the landscapes!
Of course I did some bird watching.
And through it all, my faithful companion guided me along.
Here’s hoping I get that whale watching post up soon!
Love reading your posts.