Wednesday dawned in the same cool, overcast manner of Tuesday. I bundled up and headed to Keeneland for the first race day of the class.
Unfortunately, this proved a little too much for my senses and my painting was… well… rather distracted. This was compounded when the class got a chance to go ONTO the racetrack and photograph the race with the official race photographers (Renee was one of them and she was in our class.) It was getting late in the evening bye the time I posted this, so I can’t show you the great photos I got and can only rave about how close and high quality they are (this is another subject to come back to at a later date.)
The horses in the paddock were almost as entertaining as the racing horses.
What was odd about wandering around is that I would see people and think how familiar they looked. It took me a while to figure out why this was…
- D. Wayne Lucas
- Rosie Napravnic
- T. Pletcher’s parking spot (and it was full…)
When not entertaining myself with exercising horses, race horses, or some other horse-related past time, I did draw and paint a little. A very little…
[image removed]
I have to say, this was the hardest day for me. Obviously I was enjoying the trip, but the painting part was not going as well as I hoped. I wasn’t getting what Cindi was telling me and I wasn’t getting the kind of horse-painting-related input I was hoping for. It wasn’t the workshop was bad, it just wasn’t what I hoped. I went back home that night and thought about what I could do differently the next day…