As most will know by now, my mom, Maggie Choate, died yesterday in the late afternoon. I posted the information on her CaringBridge site and then on social media. For those left out of those venues, I have spent the day emailing and (as a last resort) calling with notifications.
I sat down just now with the intention of doing a formal obituary, but I am not sure I can do that today.
Instead, I think I will thank all the people who have been in contact over the last couple of months. Cards, social media, emails, and phone calls. It was nearly a hundred names that I could find, and I’m sure I missed some people.
- Linda Aguirre
- John & Margaret Albrect
- Mike & Lori Anderson
- Ruth Armitage
- Linda Betts
- Jaye Blackwood
- Suzi Blaisdell
- Connie Brauer
- Harold & Connie Brauer
- Vern & Velma Buttolph
- Dorothy & Tom Carlson
- Gayle Chestnut
- Karen Childers
- Sharon Chinn
- Molly Choate
- Robin & Darrel Choate
- Pat Cunningham
- Joanne Daschel
- Jessica Dominic
- Kathy & Dan Draper
- Laurie & Ray Dunbar
- Helen Eden
- Denise Evans
- Linda Feammelli
- Dick & Marty Ferguson
- Alana Ferrell
- Carol Forncrook
- Patricia Frost
- Charlene Fugel
- Kathy Furman
- Janet Gifford
- Shaun & Mary Beth Gilluly
- Kelly Gilluly Weyd
- Judy Hardy
- Chad Harris
- Collen & Jim Hartell
- Becki Hesedahl
- Mary Margaret Hite
- Stevie Hoblitt
- Dolly & Stephen Howe
- Sue Iman
- Colleen Jordan
- Charlotte Kammer
- Holly & Tom Larson
- Sandee Margeson
- Janalee McFadgen
- Jamie Meckey
- Marc & Diane Melone
- Paula & Wayne Messmer
- Jan Molnar-Fitzgerald
- Ann Moore
- Jane Myers
- Stephen Nelson
- Devon Nichols
- The Nottis
- Marjorie Pool Davis
- Cheryl Ann Redfearn
- Julia & Bob Richardson
- Kristina Rinell
- Bob & Phyllis Roberts Daniels
- Dee Ann Rogue
- Linda Romine
- Marilyn Rosenfeld
- Robin Shelby
- Ann Skow
- Janette Skow
- Marty Sodorff-Ferguson
- Thomas Straugh
- Darrel, Sharon, & Brad Vallance
- Mary Wallace
- Lori Westling
- Jan Wilson
- Gina Wimsey
- Bobbi Wolf
- Amber & Ken Wood
- Quynh Ane & Zack Wood
- Don & Donna Wood
- AJ & Kathy
- Brad & Linda
- Carmin
- Connie & Harry
- Dennis & Linda
- Errol & Sally
- Janette & Tom
- John & Donna
- Kem & Mistie Dog
- Krystel, Rocky, Griffey, & Haden
- Lynn, Steve, Maize, Zinc, & Valor
- Melissa, Jacob, Madison & Hudson
- Nancy
- Penny & Arnie
- Robin & Mike
- The Coffee Group: Nancy, Carmin, Ann, Jan, Penny, Alana, Colleen
Thank you all for your support, and thank you to the ones I missed from this list!
Our hearts are with you , Tara. Your Mother was one of the most generous, loyal and fun friends I ever had.
I want to thank you for sharing online and also on Caringbridge. It meant so much to all of us.