I think I’m getting weirder.
This was a LONG week. Work right now is very busy. I got a new cell phone, which resulted in three days of technology rants. Various animals in the house are doing well, but the kittens are entering the “too cool” tween stage.
As this was my short weekend, I had a modest list of chores to accomplish and I banged them out Saturday morning. Then it was play time.
I promptly squandered that time trying to coax myself into doing something artistically productive. In one sense, I was a success. I finished the three paintings I wanted to send to the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies for (hopefully) jurying into their annual exhibition. This is my first time submitting anything, so my hopes aren’t terribly high. The quality of the competition is even harder than WSO!
I have had “Transition” ready to go for quite a while (since August).
But I had to make some adjustments to “Fleet”. You’ve seen so many versions, but this is my final (see other versions here.)
Finally, I wanted to submit “Big Personality”. I like this painting, but two trusted mentors have commented on the background. So, I made the decision to go “less party” and let my hummer shine (see original version here.)
Just before this writing, I finished the changes, took the photos, and submitted the work. Fingers crossed.
On the side of productivity, I was a complete failure. I sketched a few ideas, but nothing grabbed me. I wanted to paint, not plan. So… I did.
I’m getting quite a collection of dragons…
If you decide to send me to the funny farm, please let me take the crayons…
In an attempt to prove I have a vague association with reality, here are some photos from my weekend birding outing.