Saturday I plan to drop off three paintings for various shows.
First, I intend to drop off my 6″x6″ canvas for the Wild Art Project at the November 21-22 the Wild Arts Festival.
This is one of my favorite events of the year, and I’m always proud to support it.
The other paintings are a set for the Oregon Society of Artists 200 For Under 200 Show.
These two paintings ($100 each unless I can sell them as a set) are mounted on a wooden panel. Each artist is asked to make one or two paintings on this same panel. Some artists mount their paintings on the panel (like I did); some artists do the art directly on the panel. But all the art is 12″x12″. It’s always fun to see what everyone does.
Mark you calendars to addend the reception on Friday, November 6th, 6 – 9 pm. Show closes Friday December 4th, 1 to 4 pm.