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2 thoughts on “dragon1”
  1. Hi Tara….I’m not sure you remember me but I met you through TRAG and admired your work. I did a search for you today and thankfully, found this site so I could write you a note. You probably don’t recall this either, but at a Beavercreek Studios event a number of years ago you generously gave me your Dragon 1 for almost nothing since I literally had “almost nothing,” and it is still one of my favorite pieces of art. Since I spend a lot of time looking at my computer, it just so happens to hang strategically where it has become the object of “every 20 minutes, focus your eyes on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds,” so I look at it a lot! I have also realized it is interesting both closeup and from afar, which is not true of a lot of artwork. Anyway, it occurred to me one day that you had no idea how much pleasure that particular piece of art has given me on a daily basis and that I needed to share that with you, especially in these weird times when it’s important to be grateful for the things in our lives that give us pleasure, so thank you! And Happy Holidays!

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