I have so much to report from this week that I can’t think of a way to explain it in a single, themed post. So I searched for another word for “random” and came up with “erratic.” That fits!


In May I started fostering with Marion County Dog Control with the (internal) goal of fostering four times a year. My first foster was Toby, who was a nice dog who took a while to find his forever home.

With various summer commitments, workshops, and vacations, I hadn’t taken another foster, but two weeks ago (October 12) I picked up my second foster, a dog named Dawson.

I’m not sure about his name, but he has been a charming house companion. To the point I was seriously toying with the idea of keeping him. He and Key got along like a house on fire!


But just a few days into the foster, I was contacted that another foster family was interested in adopting him as a companion to their “failed foster”. We made arrangements to meet, the dogs seemed okay together, so we got the okay to give Dawson to the new foster family for a trial run, and I went home, more than a little sad.

All seemed well and Key does enjoy being an only dog (he’s a jealous soul). Then on Saturday when I was in a birding class I got a phone call. I pushed ignore, but when the class was over I checked my voice mail. It was Dawson’s new foster family telling me that things weren’t working out and they had taken him back to the shelter. Oh, and by the way, now he had doggie flue and a urinary track infection.

I was FLOORED! I had  made it clear that all they had to do was call me and I would come pick him up.  But apparently they just decided to ignore me, shelter procedures, and everything else and so Dawson was back in the shelter.

I called the shelter, but they couldn’t give him back that day. So I had to wait until this morning (Sunday) to pick him back up. And, good news, he’s as healthy as when I turned him over to the foster family.

My guess is that, in spite of my warnings about him needing potty training help, they didn’t take me seriously. And apparently, the gal tripped and broke her wrist during the week. So, it just got to be too much and she bailed.

I’m trying to be forgiving, but I’m having a little trouble. If she had just waited 30 minutes he would never have gone back to the shelter…

Dawson is back with me, though, and doing fine. I’m still on the fence about a permanent adoption, and in the meantime, he’s back on the web in case I’m not his destined home.

An Expensive English Muffin

I did an “art” post on the 19th, but I did not post about Key’s NW2 trial on Saturday.

To make it short, it was a repeat of the Grant’s Pass trial. A decoy box in containers (with an English muffin) destroyed our chances for a title, though Key’s work on everything else was GORGEOUS!

Well, at least we have the winter to work on it!

Amok Art (Part 2)

For whatever reason, I am really having a good time with the latest experiments based on the WSO convention workshops.

In the last few days I’ve put some finishing touches on these two paintings.

I started these paintings.

I’m actually very pleased with “Alone With Her Thoughts 3”. While it’s monochromatic, I’m very pleased with the lost and found edges and the general experimental feel. “Yellow-headed blackbird” was somewhat successful, but I’m not sure I started in the right place. I’m pondering that.

I think that word pondering is just right to depict my current art life.

On that same note, I ordered some photo prints of some reference photos for the Peggy Judy workshop I’ll be taking in a few weeks.

Time flies…

And I just saw that National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is next month.  Gulp. Over committed much?

One thought on “Post from an erratic artist”
  1. Love what you are doing! Good for you! I’m not moving as fast with my art because I’m not moving very fast in general. We’re still trying to figure out what’s wrong with my knee, but I hope to hear more from the doctor on Monday.

    It’s too bad Dawson went through that bad experience, but it sounds as if he’s in the right place now! He’s a cutie.

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