It’s Tuesday, one day before I weight in for Week 40. That should tell you about how I did last week. I gained 4.6 pounds. This was NOT a shocking result. I had the WSO show followed by two days of travel where the most nutritious thing I ate was a box of cheetos.

Unfortunately, on Thursday I hit the road again and that was followed by a three-day weekend where there was some travel, some volunteering, and some chores.

But at the end, I had fridge full of prepared food and a willingness to work toward my goals for the upcoming week.

  • Eating my prepared food
  • Hit 10,000 all seven days, taking at least one break/lunch walk
  • Tracking 3 of 7
  • 2 Frappuccinos per day

I’m proud to say I have done ALL of these things for Monday and Tuesday of this week, so here’s hoping that tomorrow’s weight in is just “even”. But whatever it is, I’ll survive and keep going.

My total weight loss is 29.4 pounds. That’s great, no matter what happens. And if I keep plugging away, that number will start increasing again.

As I’ve said before, I don’t have to be perfect in this journey. I just have to keep going.