With two days to go until I have to deliver the paintings for my show through Clackamas County Arts Alliance, I can honestly say I am about 8/10ths sane.

paintingsThis is a picture of eight paintings all packed up and ready to go; however, I want to have ten paintings. One painting I am still (frantically) working on. The other, I am waiting for the acrylic “glass” to arrive and obsessively tracking the package on UPS.

To take my mind off this, I went for a hike in Canemah after work. I saw my owl getting harassed by a couple of crows.

It’s the second time I’ve seen him in this “new” area and I’m curious if maybe there is a reason for his move.

I also spotted a Red-Breasted Sapsucker. I had no idea they made such a “screaming” cry.