It’s been an interesting week on the painting front around here.

Monday I dropped off two paintings at the Oregon Society of Artists for their Spring Juried show and I am delighted to report that both got into the show. Thursday I went to the OSA lecture and chatted with other artists, where my paintings (both done on “ice” backgrounds) were admired. Today (Sunday) I went to the opening reception where prizes were awarded; unfortunately, neither got awards. Still, getting in was very nice. And several other people I know and admire didn’t get awards either, so that takes the sting out.

It’s a great show; if you get a chance, you should swing by and take it in!

Wednesday night I painted; specifically I worked on adding more layers to “Shoes & Shadows.” I am desperately hoping to finish it by Thursday.

“Shoes & Shadows” – March 4 – masking still on

The reason it has to be done by Thursday is that I will be dropping off my 8-10 paintings for the Clackamas County Arts Alliance Artist Exhibit program. From the start, I have dreamed of doing an equine show. I have begged and borrowed three paintings from past clients to add to five unsold horse paintings I have here. But I really need one more for the best possible show, and I think this is my best shot.

While the show itself won’t be titled, I hope to make a postcard for the exhibition. I’m calling it: “Galloping Out: Equine Art by Tara Choate.”



And now… back to painting!