As I mentioned in my last post, this weekend the kittens arrived home. Frankly, I’m surprised I got anything else done.
As you can hear in the background, Key was less than impressed. He barked. He whined. He hid under the bed. Later in the weekend he calmly sniffed one through the x-pen and got a cookie. I expect it to be several weeks before we’re a happy family. As a friend of mine says, go slow in the beginning to go fast at the end.
In spite of this HUGE distraction, it was a mildly productive art weekend.
I took the day off Friday because I had a doctor’s appointment in Portland, then I delivered my two paintings to the Elizabeth Jones Art Center. The opening of the exhibit is October 1. I don’t think I’ll go up (COVID) but I could be tempted if a friend wanted to go. Additionally, I gave a short interview on Wednesday for their blog. I think it went well and hope to be able to present their write-up when it becomes available. If you get a chance, you might want to swing by the gallery. They had a very interesting show going on called “The View From Here“; the theme was Portland artists collaborating with artists from around the globe. Interesting stuff.
Saturday was primarily kitten time, but I did fool around with this.
This painting started out as a rather passive aggressive start for a painting I needed to do. Then I decided to use it as a background for a Strada Challenge (which I have abandoned.)

I was just getting read to tear it in half and add it to the collage pile when I saw a dragon in it. And went with it.

I also think I forgot to show you this painting last week.

This was an ink doodle I did during a meeting that I added watercolor to.
Finally, today, I started what I should have been working on the last two months: my steeplechase painting.

Sometimes I don’t understand why I can do this much of a painting and already be dissatisfied. I’ll continue on though until it’s really beyond hope. Then… dragon?
Hi Tara,
Wow! Your art is so good, and your writing is delightful. Do you do commissions? I would love someone to paint my Cavaliers. I know you are super busy right now, but maybe at some point. 🙂