Ah…. a three-day weekend. It’s warm, it’s sunny, it’s lovely. So, obviously… I’m in my studio. Since my last post made it evident I needed to get busy and do some painting, I decided to beat the heat this weekend by painting.
Day 1 has been very productive, though you may have a few doubts because I am working on some “stealth paintings” (commissions) that I can’t show you. But I did spend some time on these projects (started last December as ice paintings.)
Modern Charger
At Liberty
Both of these project may be at the pesky “think about it” stage. That stage can last a while, but I’d like to use these as my submissions for the AAEA show.
Other Paintings
I’m not sure if I’ve shown this one before, but it’s been on the pile for a while.
This is another ice painting start. I’m trying something new, and frankly it’s not working out. But… at least I’m trying.
Two Commissions I can’t show you…
Self Portrait
“Every man’s work, whether it be literature, or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.” – Samuel Butler
Frankly, I mis-remembered the above quote. What I THOUGHT it said was, “Every painting that is not a self portrait is about the artist.”
Anyway, it’s my attempt at a painting joke.
Day 2 & 3
My goal for tomorrow is to get in a similar amount of painting time, putting aside the two horse/ice paintings and moving to work on some bird paintings for my Englewood Forest Festival. Monday I’m going to go on a long hike with some friends and probably do some studio organizing in preparation for buying some frames for upcoming events.
Wish me luck!