Friday morning Key and I woke up and quickly hit the road again. I wanted to hit the National Bison Range (north) before heading further south to see my friends.
The range is one of my favorite places in Montana and I’m glad I made the effort to see it.
From there I headed down to see family friends. These are such good friends, of so many generations, that I’m not 100% sure I can’t call them family. I ran tame in their house for so many summers that revisiting it was a little like visiting home.

They had arranged a wonderful treat for me. A real cow drive. Jeremy has cows and needed to move them to a new pasture. So he and two friends mounted their cow ponies, called the dogs, settled Ray on the ATV and moved ’em out!
They had a bit of a rodeo when a cow steer from a neighboring pasture jumped the fence to join the party, but it just added to (my) fun. While we were sitting there, I noticed an unusual bird sound and looked around. I ended up counting four bobolinks (a HUGE find for me.)
That night we visited a while before I headed off the hotel. Two more days here and we’d be off again.
Ahhh! Can’t miss Jeremy in that hat!