Today was too rainy and windy to spent much time outdoors. I was going to title this post “Random Saturday” because that is what it has been; however, I have done a lot of arty things, so this title does seem apt.
Video Watching
At the WSO convention a few weeks ago I checked out two videos which are due back to the WSO library on Monday. I had already watched “Water Media Collage Workshop” by Carrie Burns Brown (and even written a short review for our newseltter.) I still needed to watch “A Designed Approach to Abraction” by John Salminen produced by Creative Catalyst Productions.
John came to WSO as our juror the convention before I joined, and his influence as a teacher is still felt; he’s that good. In the WSO workshop he apparently did an abstract workshop as well, and those who took it mention what are clearly his trademark phrases even after seven years.
In the video, John demonstrates creating the basic outline for an abstract, choosing the designs, and then spends most of the video manipulating the values to create a painting. I was a little disappointed when he added a little collage and acrylic in the end, but that is because I prefer true transparent.
It gave me a lot of ideas to try (I’m always saying I’m going to do more abstracts) but what I truly admired was his deliberate shape creation. He’s fearless.
With these videos watched, I headed out to the post office and to run some errands.
Booth Prep
With the Open Studios of Beavercreek event in about six weeks, I am working hard to make sure I am fully prepared. Last evening I placed an order to frame and mat eight new paintings. Today I worked on making decisions about booth display.
I’ve been spending FAR too much time on Pinterest looking at booth examples. Today I set up my pop-up tent in my garage and made a list of the items I need to find.
While I’ve been to events before, I’ve always gone pretty casual. This will be my first event where I’m really doing some marketing. I want to make sure I’m preparred.
As a trial run, I’ve decided to go to the Sound Equine Options Ride to Provide event (May 3-4) as a vendor. It should help me identify any flaws in my booth and develop a checklist. It’s an additional level of deadline to meet.
After setting up my tent I went to several thrift stores and craft stores looking for either bargains on what I need or ideas. Nothing popped, so I may end up buying through ebay.
Second Video
Upon arriving home again, I headed to the DVR to watching another art video. Each week I record Robert Wyland’s show on PBS. Though he works in acrylics, which are the opposite (process-wise) of watercolors, I’m always inspired and threaten to work on my own water paintings. This week was the sea lions swimming through the kelp forests which I really liked.
A little weeding
The wind and rain broke, so I decided to run outside and weed. If the rain hit, I wanted to be okay leaving it, so I did the flower beds in the back yard. I’m proud to say I got them done.
While this is certainly satisfying, I also accomplished another goal in this process.
Last week I won a iPod Nano and a Nike Fuel from a work promotion raffle about fitness. Last evening I tested the pedometer function on the iPod at Canemah and discovered my little hike is 1.5 miles and 3000 steps. Today was the first day I wore the Fuel; I set it up with the recommended first fitness “goal” and the weeding has put me well over my daily goal.
A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to be her Weight Watcher buddy at Thursday Knit` Night. That added to my winning of these fitness gadgets, I’m feeling like the universe is giving me a nudge.
Final Section (Photo Essay)
I will finish with this post with a gallery of the Canemah wildflowers. I went down Wednesday and Friday evening this week and it’s gorgeous! The camas are in full bloom, and there are still the last trillium, first rosy plectis, and new false Solomon’s seal. A recent article in Portland Monthly named the eight best wildflower hikes in the Northwest; Canemah didn’t make the list. I disagree!