I haven’t posted much since getting back from Kentucky because I’ve kind of been in a funky state of trying to get caught up and up to date and also get my breath back.
But life definitely moves on, and as several things have happened, consider this post a way to get caught up!
- I found out I was accepted into the 2015 Clackamas County Arts Alliance Artist Exhibit Program! More details will definitely follow (as soon as I know them), but until then, I will just be excited! I have applied for the last few years and this is the first time I have gotten in. It’s very prestigous!
- An article about the Rose Farm / McLoughlin Association plein air and show event appeared in the local paper! I’m famous!
- Dad’s memorial service is at 11:00 am on November 15, 2014, at the Oregon City United Methodist Church. Mom is also planning a smaller memorial at Coronado Shores on November 17.
- When I was “this” close to finishing both fronts of my sweater (the turquoise sweater I’ve been working on since February) I had to rip out one side because I had cast on two different sizes. So, now I have to re-knit the left front. Then I’ll sew up the pieces and do the button band and be done. Maybe in under a year?
- My cat, Lola, was diagnosed with terminal jaw cancer. Until she shows sign of discomfort, we’ll just make her comfortable and give her treats. She’s on soft food until the end (and loving it). Also, no more grooming. She’s got it made!
- This weekend I went to the Oregon City United Methodist Church’s Women’s Retreat at the Christian Renewal Center in Silverton, Oregon. It was beautiful! And so comfortable! And the food was AWESOME! We did archery and zip lining! It was amazing! I’m going to try to go back next year.
Friday night with the girls. The tree outside our lodge. An excellent group (minus the photographer) Archery lesson. Ready… Aim… Starting my zip… Approaching the landing… Nailed it! The zip lining was really important for me. I have now lost 70 pounds and I was just able to get into the harness. If I had been any bigger, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I feel really good about being able to do this, and inspired to keep going!