opprobrious [uh-proh-bree-uhs] (adjective): outrageously disgraceful or shameful.
There are many reasons why this seems like a good title for today’s post. Whatever your guess, you probably aren’t wrong. (Seriously? We are here again?) But the introduction I meant to start had to do with my travels over the last week.
A week ago Saturday, Key and I went to a nosework trial. He did wonderful, and though we missed one hide, it was good enough to earn a leg toward the three qualifying scores we need to move out of NW3. Sunday, I headed down to the beach house with the intention of staying down for a couple of weeks. Monday was a holiday, and the July 4th holiday isn’t far away; I thought it would be a good time to spend some time getting some vitamin sea. I packed up in something of a hurry, taking only the bare necessities. I was tired and I knew I’d have to come back to be in the office on Tuesday (because that is the day I am required to come into the office now.) I figured I could pack up more thoroughly after work and head down for good. Once at the coast, I couldn’t seem to settle, and I ended up returning to Keizer Monday night.
After work Tuesday, I packed up the car much more thoroughly and headed back down to the coast. Everything would have been fine this time, except I forgot the power cord to my work laptop. By 1pm on Wednesday, I was out of power and all my ideas were not panning out. The nearest retailer I could find was 1 hour away. So, I decided to drive the 1.5 hours back home to get the cord and drive back.
Probably, at this point, I should have given up. But you know me and a plan. I got back Wednesday and with power in place, worked Thursday and Friday. But Saturday I just couldn’t settle. A package had been delivered the day before, and I knew I’d have to come back to Salem on Tuesday. The dentist had (finally) called back with an appointment on Friday for my crown, so I couldn’t stay down for a stretch of time. A few days at best. So, I loaded up the kids (and the other requirements) and returned to Keizer. Miracle of miracles, once back home, I have actually made some progress on art stuff.
The package that was delivered was full of frames for the art that is headed up to the Emerald Downs Equine Art Show! I spent a couple of hours getting all the mats and framed assembled (and fending of the animal hair that wants to stick to the white mats). So, that’s one little task done. I’ll ship that off in about a week.
I also spent some time actually drawing and painting. I am working on a project (actually, several…) and there isn’t much to show right now. But this is one item I am willing to show.

I can still see a few places that need some adjustment, but it always takes a while to get there.
I’m toying with the idea of sending this to the American Academy of Equine Art show, even though it’s monochrome. What do you think? With COVID, the AAEA has not had many shows for the last couple of years, so I have a few possibles to choose from. Three of my current best are going up to Emerald Downs, and I frequently make a sale from that show. With the deadline on the 17th, I don’t want to enter something that is potentially sold. Here are a few options.
It’s pretty competitive, so even a few of these won’t make my final cut. In addition, I really don’t want to ship a couple of my large pieces across the country, so I’m trying to limit it to smaller pieces.
I am learning a lot from your blog about you and your painting. I don’t travel mush any more so probably won’t be meeting with you at paint outs. But one can still grow even at 84 so nice to watch how your art is growing.