Clearly I shouldn’t be leaving the house as early as I did today; I forgot my camera. However, my wonderful friend Arminda played photographer today. Also, she gave me a ride (no parking hassles) and loaned her daughter, Clover, to pack things. I totally lucked out on this deal!

At $1200, this goat was arguably the least expensive animal there. I won't even speculate on the true cost of the kid...
At $1200, this goat was arguably the least expensive animal there. I won’t even speculate on the true cost of the kid…
Speaking of children… Francis “The Destroyer” and Clover
That’s really the best you can do?
Back to yarn and fiber... clearly a more understandable subject.
Back to yarn and fiber… clearly a more understandable subject.


As though tons of yarn, fiber, and fleece weren’t enough fun, you also have to keep an eye on the other humans (or, as I like to call them, walking models.) This is “Barbara’s Cape.” This is going in the Ravelry cue.
Best tatoo ever!
Best tatoo ever!
When I first saw this, I honestly didn't know what it was. I was a little freaked out because I thought it was just wool, but it kept moving...
When I first saw this, I honestly didn’t know what it was. I was a little freaked out because I thought it was just wool, but it kept moving…
… turns out, it’s a bunny!
Is this not the most smokin' spinning wheel you have ever seen?
Is this not the most smokin’ spinning wheel you have ever seen?

That’s really the best you can do?