Shall We Dance

nubilous [ noo-buh-luhs, nyoo- ] (adjective) – cloudy or foggy

Today I had made arrangements with a friend to meet and take our dogs for a walk. It has been muggy for a few days, but generally dry (okay, dry-ish.) So, we met at the park… and it promptly started raining. Sounds about like our luck. We still had a good time and the dogs didn’t care.

Nubilous also seems like a good description of my current mental state, something very much on my mind. Not in the way of “dark and gloomy” cloudy but more like “changing and could clear up.” I am delighted to report that is has now been six days (6!) since I had a breakdown. I haven’t cried, collapsed in a pile, hid under the bed, or otherwise failed to cope. There were even a few times when something annoyed or upset me and I was able to shrug and say, “Meh.” I even–queue the ticker tape parade–went to a meeting.

This week will be a bit of a test; I’ll either move ahead or have to take a step back. Of course, I know it won’t be that cut and dried, but it doesn’t prevent me from hoping.


Monday-Wednesday of this week I will not be going to work; instead, I will be taking a workshop from Jean Pederson, who I’ve wanted to workshop for a while now. My goals for the workshop are pretty humble.

  1. If I get overwhelmed, take a break.
  2. Tolerate other humans for at least 6 of the total 18 hours of workshop time.
  3. Bring breakfast and lunch and eat it.
  4. Enjoy myself.
  5. Learn something if I can.

This list seems extremely pitiful, but it’s where I am now. If I manage to survive the workshop, Thursday morning I have to go into the dentist for a (long-awaited) emergency appointment. I either popped out a filling or broke a tooth. It does hurt (thank goodness) but it’s sharper than all get out. After the appointment, I’d like to “return” to work, but if I get a lot of drugs I’m not even gonna try. I don’t need any more marks on my permanent record!

Jean Pederson is known as being an experimental artist, so the directions for workshop supplies have created something of a disaster in my studio this week. I’ve been gessoing over old paintings and creating some collage papers. Also, I had to order some acrylics, and the packaging for that box has been entertaining the kittens for days. I’ll try to post any worthy results (if any) over the next week.

Dentist & Work

If I don’t have meltfown over the course of this strenuous week, I will work an entire eight hours (gasp) on Friday. And then return to work full time the following week. At least, that’s the plan.


In between trashing my studio, I did actually do a little painting. I worked up these two crane paintings and started them. I’m not sure about where they are going, but at least I’m applying paint.

Both pieces still have masking fluid on them, so they are very rough. Long way to go.

Show News

I got a small piece of good news this week. My application to Words & Images at the Hoffman Center for Arts (aka Hoffman Gallery) was accepted.

Word & Image takes the Greek tradition of Ekphrasis — which is writing in response to art, and turns the tables to include art in response to writing. The combinations of word and image that result often reveal surprising new layers of meaning, and give both artists and writers the rare opportunity to see their art reflected in the work of another’s. Writers and artists are randomly paired and have approximately six weeks to create new work. The paired pieces are exhibited in the form of broadsides in the Hoffman Gallery and also collected in a keepsake book, both of which are for sale. Word & Image is produced in even-numbered years.

This event is similar to the Salem Reads exhibits I’ve painted for the last few years. I’m excited for June 3 when I’ll be assigned my writer!

And don’t forget, the Emerald Art Center has the lovely 16th Annual Emerald Spring Exhibition 2022 at the Emerald Art Center until the end of May.