This weekend (and into next week) I’m in all-out painting mode to meet the demands of the Willamette Valley Lavender Festival and have three paintings to enter into the show July 12. The reception in July 13 (awards, etc.) with the paintings on display for the weekend. I hope I can entice a few of you to come out the Chehalem Cultural Center and check it out!
In the meantime, it’s all lavender painting, all the time. Luckily, a contingent of us watercolor artists has grouped together for encouragement, including my friend, Sandra Pearce. We huddle together among all the acrylic and oil painters and do our best to be intimidating without the benefit of turpentine.
Friday – Eagle Creek Lavender
I waffled around about going painting on Friday because it has been a long week and there were several other things I kind of wanted to do. Eventually, I packed up (poorly) and made my way out to Eagle Creek Lavender. Wow!
I got there, sat down, and realized I forgot my easel. After having such a good painting experience last weekend, I couldn’t bear the idea of painting without it, so I sketched.
I have every intention of painting these. The group has this place again next Saturday, so maybe I’ll be extra prepared.
Saturday – Barn Owl Nursery
Last year, my time at Barn Owl Nursery produced this award-winning painting.
I did two paintings, with one showing more potential than the other. This one is perfectly fine…
But this one, called “against the siding” shows a lot more potential as a show entry. But it has a long way to go.
Sunday – Lavender Valley
Sunday’s spot was over two hours away, south of Hood River. Here’s why we went out to Lavender Valley…
It almost looks too good to be true!
There were quite a few lavender aficionados as well as about a dozen painters. There was NO shortage of inspiration.
Again, I did two paintings.
It was a good weekend. We have dates to paint again on July 4, 7, and 8, so I’m hoping to improve on these initial starts!