I got to mark a small bucket list item off my list today. The Salem March for Science had a small group of counter-protesters across the street.

I’m doing something controversial!

Though, to be fair, I never did figure out their cause…

Anyway, I did attend the Salem March for Science today. As soon as I heard about this march, I marked my calendar and knew I had to go. I’ll spare you the details: if you’re sympathetic, you know why; if you’re not, you probably aren’t reading this anyway.

I got confused about the time of the march, so I got there much too early. But I put my time to good use, cheering on the MS walkers who were just wrapping up their event. I learned that the Willamette Valley has one of the highest occurence levels of MS in the nation.

I don’t want to post a picture of the MS Walkers because while they were cool, they didn’t necessarily agree to have their pictures in a blog about science.

While I waited, I sat on a bench under the tree decorated for Autism Awareness and enjoyed the ribbons.

As always the people watching opportunities were great. This was my favorite protester of the day.

This was my favorite dog-oriented device of the day.

But others provided a lot of entertainment.

Finally we were gathered and ready to march.

My sign, as always, was small and hung around my neck in a plastic sleeve.


Others had more inventive and creative signs.

My favorite sign at the march was this one.

And my favorite sign I’ve seen on social media…

My sentiments exactly.