Chicken soup and ginger ale

As I said in my last post, it was a busy and stressful week. As punishment, last night I came down with some unspecified stomach bug. I’m a little nauseous, light-headed, achy, and very cranky. I’ve forced down some chicken soup and taken it very easy today, but I can’t say I’m feeling too much better. I think at least some of the problem is actually that I’m now hungry as well as tired from not sleeping well last night. The chicken soup is warming now and I’m sipping ginger ale, as I have been all day. I was going to write a nice blog post, but instead, I’ll just show you what I worked on over the weekend. I hope you’ll understand the lack of detail.

“That Would Make a Good Painting” – 90% finished

“Cat. Balance.” – unsure if finished

“All That She Surveys” – 90% finished

galloping horse start 1

galloping horse start 2

2 thoughts on “Chicken soup and ginger ale

  1. Tara, I am so amazed at your endless creativity. I’m sorry about the “bug.” I was dealing with something similar after my second vaccine shot, so Saturday was a chicken soup and ginger ale day for me, as well. Different cause, same result.

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