1. I had guests this weekend. This is my excuse for no art.
2. I am tired tonight. That is my excuse for this post.
3. The last few weeks have had some fun art things. My painting, “Flammagenitus Clouds” (unfinished version shown below) got The Art Department Award at the Paint the Town event. $25 for art supplies!

4. My painting, Arminda’s Poppies, got into the Waterworks Unplugged (NWWS 2018 Waterworks Members Exhibition) exhibition.
5. Next weekend is the Watercolor Society of Oregon Fall Convention here in Salem. My painting did not get in, but I’m still excited to go for two reasons (that are connected). I was in charge of scheduling all the classes and I think it’s an awesome line up. I’m excited about attending!
Second, my friend, Sandra Pearce, is coming to stay for the weekend so she can attend the convention too. Let me pause here to brag on her! She participated in the Washington County Plein Air event this weekend and took home “Best in Show”, “Best Nocturne” and the “red dot” (sold a painting.) Congrats, Sandra! Drop the mic, indeed!
6. I’m going to try to participate in Inktober. I’ve prepped my sketch pad. Wish my luck!
7. It’s the end of the day. For the first time in weeks I am fully prepped for the week with food in the fridge, money in the bank, and a “clean” house. I feel really on top of things.
Let’s see what disaster happens…