This week, specifically by Thursday, I have to finish a “mini-book” for my writing and illustrating class. So, in an attempt to clear my schedule, I did this week’s homework for the Messy Palette Club (Vinita Pappas) because that had to be done by Tuesday and then I could procrastinate.

The overarching theme of this class is “simplicity.” Vinita had us do a simple (and very fun) exercise where we picked six items and tried to match their color.


She asked us to sketch out the items very simply in pen. Then to paint “very flat.” We weren’t going for realistic items so much as color matching.


The sweet peas weren’t the correct color, but other than that, I like this a lot.

For “bonus points” we were encouraged to take the exercise “outside” and five or six colors “from life” to use in a painting.


I liked this exercise too. It definitely gets you thinking about what you are really thinking.

Unfortunately my next “extra credit” was to attempt a 15-minute plein air painting. That didn’t turn out so well. I got distracted and forgot to simplify…


Can’t win them all!


P.S. I turned in two paintings for the Fall WSO show yesterday. Fingers crossed. It would be great to get into “my own show.”