In twelve days, the Art on the Edge Studio Tour shall commence. Am I ready? Of course not.
I mean, I’ve taken care of the basics. Hired someone to clean the house. Made sure the lawn would be mowed. I have even taken the shockingly practical step of ordering a credit card device.
But am I ready? No.
I’m torn about how tidy the house has to be, how the art should be labelled, what to do about demos.
And so, rather than making any of those decisions, I painted this weekend.
None of these are finished and really intended “for” anything. I just wanted to paint.

All jokes aside, it’s been a busy weekend. I’ve tried to get as many things as possible “cleared up” so the house and yard look as good as possible. I’ve tackled some projects and blasted through to do items.
Please forgive me for not writing a great post. I’ll write something better soon!
Love these paintings!
Enter Totem in some event!!!