
Lately, life has felt like that old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.” I don’t think I’m alone!

Interesting is part of the reason I haven’t updated my blog in a couple of weeks, so I’ll try to plow through and get you all up to date.

The Reception!

Finally, after months of work, the reception at the Salem Art Association happened the evening of March 6. I had delivered the paintings the week before, but I had not yet seen them “in situ” as it were. I was blown away! Here’s a video so you can experience the same thing.

As if seeing my work in such a beautiful space wasn’t enough, I had many friends and (yes) family attend. I was talking with a few of the first arrivals when a voice behind me said, “Howdy, stranger.” I turned around and the female Dunbars were all standing there. They had driven all the way from Montana to surprise me! I had said my goal for the evening was not to cry, but I failed and it was wonderful! They took me out to dinner, then I took them out to breakfast the next morning before they had to head back. It was wonderful to see them and Montana in June 2021 is firmly on my calendar!

Many other friends showed up, as well as a fair contingent of co-workers. By the end of the evening, three paintings had sold (good haul!) and my artistic ego was over the moon. Over the weekend several other packs of friends came and I rushed over to greet them. To be honest, nothing really happened that weekend except me talking with friends!

And then…

Monday was back to work. Naturally, it was a busy week with meetings and projects and an all staff meeting. Then the world went crazy and various powers started making proclamations about COVID-19. And all the planning went down the toilet.

I would like to report that I dealt (or continue dealing…) with all the chaos in a calm and rational manner, but who am I kidding? It’s a challenge.

  • The WSO Spring convention has been cancelled
    • “I Feel Pretty” will not be shown here.
  • The Salem Art Association has closed.
    • Therefore my show has closed.
  • All Nosework trials through April have closed.
    • Key and I attended one of the last trials for a while this last weekend (don’t ask about results).
  • At work, we’re being asked to work from home
    • This is not bad, just different.

So, with all that, if I can manage to stay healthy, I’ll need to stay out of trouble.

Out of Trouble

On that note, Sunday I began working on my next project. I applied and was accepted to participate in “For the Seventh Generation“.

A Visual State of the Ocean Address

Perhaps each of us has a favorite spot along the coast. Looking out over it, we may find ourselves asking, will it survive?  For this reason, 1,320 artists are joining to create For the Seventh Generation, a free-standing, two-foot by mile-long painting dedicated to ocean protection. When the panomural is complete, every mile of the California, Oregon, and Washington coastline will be represented by an artist who has created a four-foot section of the total mural – conceptually a continuous landscape, a panorama of the western coastline.

The ocean is continually under threat. Pollution, coastal development, and over fishing all tax the health of its finite system. Without our strong environmental conscience and a voice to express it, threats to the ocean will be left unchallenged and its health subject to the whim and manipulations of politics and industry. This project, extending through the twenty-first century, provides such a voice.

I have two painting ideas, and so this weekend I started on the first one. The paintings have to be 4′ x 2′ (48″ x 24) on panel (wood). So I primed and then gessoed this piece. I used a combination of black and white gesso, which I loved so much I decided to add some color to it. Then the palette knife came out.

In other words, I ran amok.

This painting is far from finished, but I’m really liking it. I’m excited to see where it goes.

So, that’s about all the news from here. I’m healthy and happy. I hope all of you stay the same. Remember to wash your hands and practice social distancing. And if that gets old, well, whip out a paintbrush!

One thought on “Interesting times”
  1. Wonderful news about your show. We are sheltering in place. Glad you are able to work from home. Stay healthy!

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