I am still working on getting caught up in my Vinita Pappas‘ Fall Messy Palette Club classes. I published a post on yellow this week and I’m working on a blue post next. Also we were supposed to do a still life. I do not like still lives. But I am trying. I have one set up. I just need to paint it…
In more inspiring news, I learned that my painting “Scent of Season” got into the Emerald Art Center Spring Exhibition! The reception is May 5 and you are all invited!
Today I went down to Finley National Wildlife Refuge. Even though it was rainy, the texture really inspired me.
If you get squeamish, please look away from this next part. That heron that is resting on the log. Well minutes before he was struggling to eat an ENORMOUS bullfrog. It was pretty cool watching him.
I feel like this might be a painting… “Inspired Against Invasives”?