This weekend is a neat kind of weekend.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I have to make decisions ALL THE TIME.
What to wear, what to eat, what to paint, what to do.
But not this weekend! This weekend, I am merely a warm cog in the machinery of the organizations that I work for.
Saturday Morning
I got up and headed down to the Oregon Society of Artists to enter a couple paintings in the December “Urban & Rural Landscapes” Show.
The great thing about this experience is that when you walk into OSA, you are bossed about: fill out this form, put that there, hang that. It’s great. Bing, bang, boom, and you’re done!
Also, I saw and talked to a bunch of my artist friends, which is always a lot of fun.
Saturday Afternoon
From here I drove across town to the Sound Equine Options barn. Not only was it my scheduled day to clean stalls, it was also “barn cleanup” day.
The horses were out playing in the fields…
This is Fritz, Nate, Jax and Rufus. Aren’t they lovely? And all up for adoption (just saying…)
For two hours I did as told. I cleaned stalls, swept things, unloaded buckets, and pulled dirt away from walls. When I got done, I said, “What do you want me to do next?” It was bliss.
The barn now looks amazing. I claim no credit, because I was just some short-lived grunt labor.
You probably have to be a horse person familiar with old barns to appreciate this. But trust me, it’s gorgeous.
Saturday Late Afternoon
My final stop was a few hours serving as greeter and door counter for Three Rivers Artist Guild. I showed up at my appointed time and was given a script and a counter and worked the front door, greeting some of the 375 guests who showed up at our Holiday Show.
I’ll be here tomorrow as well. I have a large portion of my inventory in this show, as well as some extra knitted pieces that were lying around the house. I highly recommend coming down to the Oregon City Pioneer Center between 11-4 and checking it out.
None of these items are mine… but they are ALL awesome. TRAG artists really kick it!
Sunday Afternoon
The fun doesn’t stop with today! Tomorrow afternoon, my church is having an advent festival and I volunteered to help with the kids crafts. Again, I just told the leader I’d do whatever she wanted. I don’t know what that will be, but I’m assured that all I need to do is show up.
Sunday Evening
Finally, I will help with the tear down of the Holiday Show tomorrow evening. I know this will be hard work, but it’s something that I’m not in charge of and I just need to do what I’m told to do.
Awesome, huh?