Tonight was my weekly painting class at Anji’s. Last week we did four background techniques and this week our challenge was to turn at least one of them into a complete painting.
As usual, I overachieved a little and went to work on all four. None of them are going to make it into great pieces, but I did work out a few ideas…
Between working on these, I worked on finishing some pieces in progress. The WSO show deadline is coming up and I need to decide what to enter. And to do that, I need to FINISH some paintings.
Luckily, the last six months have been productive. However, that still doesn’t make the decision easier.
I experimented with some abstracts:

I’ve experimented with yupo:

I’ve painted some more horses:

And I won’t even show you the other pieces in progress, that didn’t work, or that I’m still thinking about.
So with all this work, you’d think I could make a decision… right?