My apologies for the “radio silence”. I truly intended to post the whale watching pictures the next day, but there are SO many that editing got me really bogged down. And then life happens, and all the plans go out the window.
Today I returned from a brief but fun adventure in Bend, Oregon, where the fall Watercolor Society of Oregon (WSO) convention was held. It was a lovely show selected by juror Joyce Hicks; the only thing that could have made it better was my painting being included! Oh, well, better luck next time.
Bend is a gorgeous area. It’s one of the most dynamic regions in Oregon and prides itself on an “active” lifestyle: skiing in the winter and water in the summer!
Thursday I drove over and delivered five Salem-area paintings to the show, then went out to lunch with friends before spending a little time enjoying the face the hotel was right by the Deschutes River…
… and there are no shortage of little parks and walkways where you can really get to enjoy it.
Friday I explored the Tumalo Falls area, and the pictures just don’t do it justice.
Driving up to the falls:
At the falls:
Above the falls:
That evening there was the juror meet and greet, then the Bend First Friday Art Walk. Bend really has an exciting art community, and I was more than a little dismayed at how tired I was. I only saw a few galleries, but I could have spent a lot of money if I had it. My favorite was a barn owl painting by Dawn Emerson; I had been toying with the idea of taking a workshop with her, and now I’m even more torn.
Saturday was all learning, all the time. I took a break-out session with Liz Walker, did a critique with the juror, and then (highlight!) did a much-coveted break-out as a working helper with Judy Hoiness!
In case you were wondering, I had the juror critique this recent piece which I still puzzling over.
I think the juror puzzled over it, too.
At lunch, I took a little walk at Sawyer Park, then headed over to the show.
As I said before, the show was lovely. I unexpectedly fell in love with this piece: “Best Part of Waking Up” by Hazel O’Rear Reeves. I don’t remember seeing her pieces before, though when I looked her up, I did remember seeing her work before.
I would not have expected to be so taken with this painting, but frankly I looked up the price!
Based on previous experience (I get impatient at the awards banquet because it seems to go so slow, and I’m also typically tired, which is not a good combination for me I skipped the evening festivities.
I had every intention of going to the member meeting and juror lecture on Sunday morning, but I woke up not feeling well. I realized I had forgotten to take a couple doses of a medication and three days without my C-pap machine while being at a higher elevation than normal… well, I didn’t feel great. I decided to skip the last day and head home. I did some light birding at Tumalo Reservoir before getting on the highway home.
It was lovely, but not incredibly productive. I got home and took a nap, then worked on the various chores that will make the week go by.
Thank you everyone who worked so hard for this convention. It was wonderful!