Friday I went to the Clackamas County Fair & Rodeo with my friends Suzie and Scott. It has been years since I went and it was a lot of fun. I really just wanted to attend the fair, but I hate the parking and driving hassle, so when Scott and Suzie said they were going and staying for the rodeo too, I decided that staying out late (I literally can’t remember the last time I was out until 10:30!) wasn’t too bad because it was the weekend!

We got there about 5:30, and after hitting a few food vendors (what’s a fair without a sausage and a ice cream), I decided to see how my knitting projects did. Two of my three projects were “in the money” with second place premiums. None of my paintings got any awards, though. Seems like it’s that kind of year…

After the hobby hall, I went to see the animals.

After getting my fill of livestock, I headed over to the rodeo. For those who haven’t been to a rodeo, it’s important to remember that pagentry is the name of the game. It starts will a flashy show of riding drills and quick rides by various princess and other royalty from around the state.

Broncos are next. I think I might have some good reference photos here…

Then calf roping; I really like this event because I think the horses have a big job.

After this it got too dark and I couldn’t get any more good photos, so I just sat back and enjoyed!

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