After the canine sucess of last weekend, I would love to report equal sucess with painting. However, factually speaking, that wouldn’t be true. It’s not only life that’s getting in the way; my current project is proving to be most uncooperative.

On the subject of life, work continues to be a little over the top. Re-entering life after last weekend (not to mention the time change) was a challenge. Thursday evening, I went down to the coast for the weekend, not to relax so much as to take care of a few house details before I have guests who will be staying there a couple of weeks. In between all this, I taught class two of three on websites, trying to get helpers for my “other” website ( I returned home late Saturday and have spent the day dealing with finances (someone, somehow got my credit card number), doing food prep for the week, and going to dog training class. Throw in some laundry and a couple of home repairs you have a pretty accurate picture of my life.

The Uncooperative Painting

But we’re really here to talk about art, so let’s reveal my current endeavor.

In August I created this start while using up some paint.

As I contemplated various options, I got an idea about using a complementary color scheme and talking about money (green and gold) and humans (brown). The initial title was “What are we propping up?” and is about contemplations on human systems.

Maybe that’s why it’s being such a brat to paint. I keep trying and one thing comes together, but something else comes apart.

Unification is my biggest problem. Seems apropos for this painting about human systems. After looking at it for a few weeks, I’m going to ditch the line and white gouache and make more gold smushes (maybe green).

I’d like to get this finished in time to enter the ISEA show at the end of the month, but I’m not sure I’m going to hit that mark.

Other Shows

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I’m on a bit of a rejection streak. Well, the good news is that I’ve applied for a couple more shows, so fingers crossed. And if you just have to see some of my work, the AAEA member’s show (Horses of Leisure) is online.

Also, the Salem Reads exhibit is moving around the county. This month it’s at the Stayton library; next is the Silverton library. Even though my painting has sold, it’s still in the exhibit.

Finally, the American Academy of Equine Art (AAEA) Member show titled “Horses of Leisure” is now up.

One thought on “Uncooperative”
  1. “…one thing comes together, but something else comes apart.” Just like plain old everyday life! Hope this week is better!

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